Snow Day

Its been pretty cold and snowy here at my house. I took some time to try out the new "Dynamic Views" for Blogger. You can switch using the menubar up top to various layouts. I like the default view the best, I think it looks cleaner.

In other news, I decided to keep on with an Apple laptop since I still feel that they are the best laptops for the price. Yes, they are expensive, but after looking at the horrible new Intel / Windows Ultrabooks that are out there I just decided to get an Air. The Lenovo U300s really disappointed me in the end, and I was really looking forward to getting one and putting Ubuntu on it. I also have not been too happy with the latest release of Ubuntu 11.10. Im still not feeling the Unity UI and I think they should have just gone with Gnome3 as a cleaner interface.

In other news, Im working on taking more photos. Ill post some to Flickr and also here where I will talk a little about some that I have been working on.

For any photographers out there I have been watching Chase Jarvis Live, which is a web show hosted by Chase about photography and other misc stuff. Its pretty neat, check out the past episodes here:


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